Our learning programme
At Little Lamps Nursery we recognise that children’s all-round growth and development requires the careful construction of a learning programme and environment which respects children as individuals and fulfills the needs of the ‘whole child’. Therefore, our passionate teachers and practitioners skillfully plan for children as individuals through varied teaching methods and programmes.
The foundation of our curriculum has been set by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework. Our unique Learning Programme aims to challenge children’s thinking and allows children to reach their full potential.
Our Learning Programme incorporates Mathematics, Literacy, Outdoor Play Facilities, Indoor Gym, Allocated Multi-Sensory Room.
We begin our day by exploring the prepared environment and encourage them to explore. We provide them with independent access to resources. This enables children to gain confidence, independence, and a sense of themselves allowing them to become self-motivated to learn. We move on to promoting courteous social skills for toddlers, reinforcing positive behaviours, and supporting them to manage their feelings and communicate their needs.
Children are later prepared for school through a more adult-led style of teaching.
Partnership with Parents
Little Lamps Nursery attempts to continually work in partnership with parents and carers and sees them as the child’s first and most enduring educators. It is known that what parents do at home with young children has the greatest impact on a child’s social, emotional, and intellectual development. When parents and practitioners work together in early year’s settings, the results have a positive impact on children building their confidence, self-esteem, and trust.
Settling Sessions
Once a child has a place confirmed at Little Lamps Nursery, a number of settling sessions will be arranged to ensure that each child feels secure with their new environment and has a smooth transition into nursery life. Your child will be required to attend three settling sessions prior to starting nursery, typically the week of their official start date.
To enable us to focus the nursery experiences around your child as an individual when settling parents are required to share valuable information about their child, for example, what is special to them, favourite activities, and personal needs, including medical, feeding, and sleep patterns. We are thoughtful of each child’s individual needs in relation to the settling and ensure a flexible approach is fostered.
We support parents and carers in meeting the developmental needs of their children, both at the Nursery and at home and encourage parents to play an active part in nursery life. We will provide two in-house complementary interactive workshops such as School Readiness and my first steps to reading.
Partnership Opportunities
We are excited to be able to hold coffee mornings for parents. The main purpose of these events is to ensure exceptional communication and form effective relationships between parents/carers and the Nursery. We take great pride in listening to our parents and we welcome this opportunity to strengthen our relationships. The events provide valuable insight into the ongoing development of the Nurseries, suggesting new ideas to ensure we maintain high-quality standards, for example, parent support for activities such as planting and cooking.
Parent Consultations
Parent consultations are held regularly at the setting, for you to meet with your child’s key staff and to discuss your child’s development in more detail. These evenings also provide opportunities to meet other parents and staff from the Nursery.
Parent Feedback
We value your feedback on how the nursery is performing and your child’s progress; we operate an open-door policy on a daily basis, for general comments and suggestions as well as issuing a formal Annual Parent Survey. In addition, we welcome parents to leave online reviews – guidance of how to do this can be found here.